News Letter

Hi All

We thought we would give you a short up date on recent work parties and the AGM

  • The work parties at Moorlane have been a great success with turnouts, work accomplished and results in water quality, We have cleared all the trees and shrubs from the car park to the lake to allow the wind on the water. This has resulted in the Dissolved Oxygen levels in the water raising from 3.1 to 10.2. 10.2 is a fantastic level and one to be proud of so a big thank you to all work partie attendees. We have built a new bridge on to the island and started to remove the trees from there, This will require another work party to complete, We aim to put 3 or possibly 4 new swims on this island so all areas of the lake are accessible and comfortable to fish.
  • AGM was held on the 15th Feb at Stanwell Village Hall, We had a good attendance, there was no rule changes put forward so all current rules apply, No one stepped down from the committee, or any changes made so the commitee stands. The Clubs accounts were presented and we are still in the black which is always good.
  • We disgussed future stockings at Moorlane and in principal agreed on the type of stocking you our members woulds like. The committee will look at fish prices and availability of fish in view to stock in the autumn.
  • Work Party dates for the River Colne are Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th March at 09:30am, Meeting place Hithermoor car park. Please bring tools for cutting and clearing swims. Moorlane Work party will be Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th April at 09:30am.Meeting place car park. Please bring tools for cutting and building swims, Old materials would be very help full like timber, scaffolding poles and fittings etc. Any Future members that are on waiting list or and wanting to join the club are welcome to any work parties, you will be rewarded for your efforts by being allowed to fish any of our lakes 1 week earlier for each work party attended. Members your reward is you are entered in to the club raffle which is drawn at the july club meeting. you get 1 ticket for each work party attended. We normally have approximately £500 pounds in prizes which include tackle vouchers, various prizes donated by committee and club (Guest tickets, £25 off subs, etc). Lots of very nice prizes.

Please attend the work parties if you can and we wish you all a great year.

Tight lines 

The Committee and Bailiff Team.                   


2 responses to “News Letter”

  1. Rob ackland avatar
    Rob ackland

    Great news regarding the restocking.I used to be a member and would love to re join this year,that’s if we are actually allowed to go fishing!! Any chances for membership brps?

    1. Jason Rackley avatar
      Jason Rackley

      Hi Rob

      Nice that you want join the club again, Can you please message the membership secretary, ever on Facebook or on the email on the how to join page on website.

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