Weekends work Party

Work Party Sat 8th March Moor Lane 9am
Sun 9th March Hithermoor Lake 9am
All welcome
Hi All
The next meeting will now be in January on the 16th.
Regards Committee/Bailiff team
Welcome All, New and old to the new season at BRPS. We wish you all a fantastic season and hope you all enjoy this great little club. Don’t be afraid to ask the bailiffs questions about the waters. They are willing to help you as best they can. Please remember to read your Rule books before you start fishing.
Kill Nothing But Time
Take Nothing But Photographs
Leave Nothing But Footprints
Tight lines everyone
Hi All, during the last meeting we had the work party raffle. Nearly £600 in prizes. All donated by the club members, committee and a generous donation from Isleworth angling and Tackle. Take a look at the pictures and see the fantastic prizes. Remember if you come to a work party you automatically get entered into the raffle so please try to make it to the next one.
One of this years stockies 10lb 8oz caught on float fished maggots. Top skills Mike Bowron (Moorlane Long Lake)
I asked Mike one of our Bailiff’s to do a bit of a fish Survey at Moorlane front lake. This resulted in 88 fish caught mostly Rudd with a couple of Roach. A great afternoon/evenings fishing and very enjoyable
A massive thank you to All the Bailiff,s and committee members that have come out this week and helped out on the river. 6 new swims made and countless swims repaired. Your help really keeps this club going. very very much appreciated.