Category Archives: News & Events

Bailiff Report

Hi all I had a couple of pints of maggots that were turning so I went down Moor Lane front lake to try for some of them bream and I wasn’t disappointed had 7 bream all between 1.5 and 2lb and 22 rudd.
What was nice to see was all the fish were on colour and really healthy. Another angler turned up about 1.30 just as I was leaving he was setting up on front lake too.

Moorlane Stocking

Hi All

Today (1/2/22) we had some fish delivered to stock both lakes at Moorlane. We stocked the long lake with 32 Mirror Carp weights ranging from 5lb 8oz to 17lb 8oz. We also stocked 300lb of Bream in to the front lake weights ranging from 1lb to 2lb to help give both lakes a boost. We plan to continue stocking both lakes Later this year or early next year. It will be more Carp in the long lake and we are looking for Roach or maybe Crucian carp in the front lake, possibly both. If you would like anything else to be considered please put forward you requests at one of the club meetings.

Tightlines The Bailiff Team

Work Party

Moor Lane Work Party

Sat 5th and Sun 6th of February,

Sat 5th and Sun 6th of March,

Everyone welcome including furture members wishing to join next season.

Please bring tools for cutting trees and branches or just yourselfs as many hands make light work. This is a very good way to get to no the waters as you will have the whole bailiff team there with all there Knowledge of the Lakes.

Thanks The Bailiff Team



Due to the gate code being compromised and used for the illegal use of motorcycles to access the pit area across the river at Hithermoor. We have no option other than to change the gate codes to all our Fisheries. This will happen tomorrow at 3:30 at Hithermoor and 4:30pm at Moorlane. You should have received a text with the new gate code within the last hour. If you haven’t please contact the membership secretary with your name and membership number. Please don’t ask any of the Bailiffs for the code as they all been instructed not to give it out. Can I remind all members that the security of our fisheries is taken very seriously. When entering or exiting any of the gates you must insure that the code doesn’t become public knowledge or leave it on the code/ one digit off. It must be tumbled every time. This is a major rule break and could bring us into disrupt with our Landload.
We Hope you all have the best Christmas you can under the current circumstances.
The Bailiff Team and Committee

Fish Care

Fish care is the most important thing to get right. We spend our time waiting for our prize. Taking care of them once caught is the main priority. Before removing from water make sure your ready, unhooking mat laid out and wet, weight sling out and wet, scales zeroed, camera set up. Once all this has been prepared your then ready to get the fish. When lifting out of water insure it’s fins are ok and not bent back( you wouldn’t like someone bending your arm behind your back) weigh your prize over the unhooking mat, take pictures over the unhooking mat. When returning to the water you must give them time to recover before releasing. It is best to do this in your landing net but hold fish with your hand. Once the fish feels strong enough it will kick off and you will no it’s ok. Barbel are majestic creatures and give there all in the fight so do take sometime to recover this especially applies to them. But it is equally important to take care of every fish no matter what it is or it’s size. If anyone is unsure about fish care please speak to a bailiff or call. Equally if you witness any poor fish care it is important to report it but much better to correct it there and then by educating the Person.
We all want to enjoy this sport for years to come. Fish care will ensure that happens. My number is in your rule book
Head Bailiff

Guest Tickets

Brps guest tickets are now available please contact secretary 48 hrs in advance when booking with guest name and date required night/24hr tickets £10 lakes only. Once new season starts there will be no guest tickets for the first two weeks.

Re opening of Lakes

Good news at last, All lakes will re open from 7am on Wednesday morning[No one to be on lake before this time or you will be asked to leave] We will be using the Govermant and Angling Trust guidelines as our rules during this time.In addition to this everyone must carry and use Hand sanitizerfor when using communal items such as Gates and locks. Remember ONLY A FOOL BREAKS THE 2M RULE, Stay Safe and please read the new rules.Max stay will be 48hours and then no return for 48hours, This is subject to change depending on how busy the lakes get.Image may contain: text

Fisheries closure COVID19

Due to the Current Covid19 virus threat and new laws and regulations, ALL of our fisheries have been closed. They will remain closed until Government lifts the current restrictions, The Bailiffs will be Bailiffing all the fisheries every day through out the day to insure we keep the waters safe from all threats. Please Help us, Yourselves, the Uk and the World by by Staying at Home and keeping safe. We Hope to see you All on the otherside of this unpresidneted times. 

Stay safe everyone

Regards BRPS Committee and Bailiff Team

Presentation Evening

Congratulations to everyone that won a trophy for the largest specimen of each species and winners of the club carp / silvers and pike matches. Please remember to let Jason or Rich know the weights of your catches this season – so you have a chance to win the trophies next year and also put photos of your catches on our facebook pages.These fish are not the largest fish in our venues , just the ones that have been reported caught this season.There are a few other trophies that are still to be awarded, unfortunately not all winners could be at the meeting. There are a few other trophies that are still to be awarded, unfortunately not all winners could be at the meeting.
Matt……. Largest Perch 2lbs 6ozs Chris ……. Largest Hithermoor Carp 29lbs 14 ozs
Chris Walker ……Largest Bream 10lbs 8ozs
Jason winner carp match. Dave.. winner pike match

Please remember everyone to record your catches and get them witnessed, If no one around to witness a video of the weighing would be accepted but you must show the scales are tared for the sling before weighing fish.

We wish you all a very good season and hope you break a PB or too


The Bailiff Team