Presentation Evening

Congratulations to everyone that won a trophy for the largest specimen of each species and winners of the club carp / silvers and pike matches. Please remember to let Jason or Rich know the weights of your catches this season – so you have a chance to win the trophies next year and also put photos of your catches on our facebook pages.These fish are not the largest fish in our venues , just the ones that have been reported caught this season.There are a few other trophies that are still to be awarded, unfortunately not all winners could be at the meeting. There are a few other trophies that are still to be awarded, unfortunately not all winners could be at the meeting.
Matt……. Largest Perch 2lbs 6ozs Chris ……. Largest Hithermoor Carp 29lbs 14 ozs
Chris Walker ……Largest Bream 10lbs 8ozs
Jason winner carp match. Dave.. winner pike match

Please remember everyone to record your catches and get them witnessed, If no one around to witness a video of the weighing would be accepted but you must show the scales are tared for the sling before weighing fish.

We wish you all a very good season and hope you break a PB or too


The Bailiff Team

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